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The Basics of Astrology

To be put quite simply, astrology is the study of the stars. The stars as referred to in astrology refer to the planets, the sun, and the moon. Astrology has been used throughout history as a form of entertainment, a part of religion, and a part of daily life.

Astrology begins with the mapping of the planets, including the sun and the moon. This map is called an astrological chart. Most often an astrological chart is designed for someone at birth. To determine the position of the planets, sun, and moon for an astrological chart the astrologist needs to know the exact location of the birth, the exact time, and the date of the birth.

The planets found on the astrological chart are the Sun, the moon, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Mercury, and Pluto. The earth is not considered because it is the point in the universe from which we view the other planets. The sun and moon are considered planets in astrology, which is hard for some people to remember.

In the astrological chart consists of twelve houses. Each house represents an aspect of life, such as romance, career, family, etc. Since there are only ten planets, each astrological chart will have two vacant houses. Vacant houses represent aspects of life which, for whatever reason, the cosmos do not feel you need to work on. In other words, you may have mastered this aspect of life in another life or realm.

The position of the sun also determines your sun sign. This is the first aspect of astrology studied on the astrological chart. Next, the positions of the planets are studied in relation to their influence on the sun sign. Finally, the moon sign and position is studied in relation to the rest of the astrological chart.

The interpretation of an astrological birth chart as a whole will paint the picture of the original personality of the individual. The birth chart found through astrology later in life may not appear accurate. This is due to the fact that other astrological phenomena in conjunction with life events alter the personality over time.

Astrology is the study of this astrological chart, as well as the prediction of the future based on how other astrological phenomena might influence the original readings. The interpretation of the astrological chart is also a large part of the art of astrology, and is necessary for accurate predictions.

The use of astrology in predictions is considered an art for a reason. Not only must the astrology expert interpret the birth chart and the current astrological phenomena, but the astrology expert must also interpret any astrological phenomena that may have altered the personality of the individual over time. Amazingly, life changing events can often be seen using astrology readings from the time of the event.

Many major events in history can also be marked by astrology readings. For example, the fall of the Roman Empire was marked by astrological phenomena. The horror of 9/11 and the destruction of the twin towers was also awaited by those who study astrology. Even the birth of Christ was marked by astrological phenemona.

Astrology Is For Everyone!

Granted, the largest number of people who put the most focus into astrology are adult-aged women. Most women see themselves in terms of being both the “keeper” the one who is responsible for all of the other people in her life and her relationships with them; as well as having the generally-female characteristic of feeling that whether her life is good or bad, that it is her place to be in the position of affecting positive changes. It is primarily for these reasons that women make up the majority of astrology-seekers. Through astrology, women can learn more about themselves, their lives, their associates, and their futures; and, in gaining such knowledge, can be in the very beneficial position of assessing their personal strengths and weaknesses, which in turn will provide many opportunities for taking control of one’s life.

Fewer men gain a serious interest in astrology. When they do, it is usually less a matter of wanting a general overview of their lives than of needing specific details and answers for specific questions or problems. Men are more likely to focus their interest in astrology on such topics as how to get a particular job, how to make business decisions, and questions about whether or not to relocate to a different area. All of these subjects can be brought up in an astrological reading, and he can find the answers or solutions which he needs in order to be better informed and make decisions which are most likely to have the best outcome for him.

Teenagers and young adults are often curious about astrology. Unfortunately, if they are not properly informed, they may hold the standard belief that astrology is basically about predicting the future and little more. Teens can be best aided by astrology by understanding that the scope of astrology goes far beyond simple predictions; and, even more important, that even predictions themselves are only a matter of what is “likely” to occur– that the person himself or herself has a great ability to influence what actually does occur, by his or her own responses to the events which happen each day. Astrology works best when viewed as a map of possibility, over which the individual has much influence.

This can be a wonderful asset for any teenager or young adult who is at the stage in life where he or she wishes to make solid decisions and plans for the future. The first part is in seeing one’s future predictions in terms of what is likely to occur, and to gain an understanding on how to affect changes to one’s course of action in order to result in a positive outcome. Learning that one is not helpless, nor bound to a predetermined destiny, is a wonderful feeling for all but most especially for young people!

The second part of astrology which is very important to youth is being able to gain a deeper understanding into themselves their specific character traits and personalities. It can be a good feeling to learn that many others share similar qualities! And, for a young person who is not entirely comfortable with various aspects of his or her personality, realizing that it is within his or her own power to change the less desirable traits and strengthen those traits which appeal to him or her the most, will go a long way in granting a teenager or young adult the appreciated state of knowing it is within themselves to improve what they wish to improve and rely more heavily on the traits which give them the most potential for a happy, well-adjusted life.