The Luckiest Chinese Zodiac Sign for the Year 2021

The very unfortunate 2020 has come to an end, and we all hope for the better in 2021… It is not that we badly need everything to return to order, but at least some parts of our lives, like love and finances. And here is where your Chinese zodiac sign comes into play.

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the year 2021 is a year of Ox, which occurs every 12 years. In 2021 you will be guided by Metal Ox. Metal (or Yin in Chinese) is closely connected to development and peaceful evolution. So, do not worry. Financial stability and possible prosperity seem like a real thing this year.

2021 is the “birth year” or benmingnian for the Ox Chinese zodiac sign. It happens every 60 years for metal Ox. Birth years are considered tough for the b-day or, in this case, b-year signs, but no worries – all hard work will pay off. Especially for the Oxen, who are a pure symbol of hard work!

In this article, we will give some overview of personality traits people born in the year of Ox have and then dive into the future prospects this year brings all of us no matter what Chinese zodiac sign we are. And, who knows, maybe you are the lucky one to be the next Bill Gates in the top 3 by Forbes!

The Ox: Who is it?

This Chinese zodiac sign can count on luck if the people of this sign put peach blossoms or tulips in their bedrooms colored white, green, and/or yellow.

Any number with 1 or 4 in it is a lucky number for an Ox. While numbers 5 and 6 have quite the opposite effect.

Oxen should move either north or south to reach success, prosperity, and luck. A southwest direction may disturb their plans.

Oxen are compatible with such other Chinese zodiac signs as Rat, Monkey, or Rooster, while there might be some difficulties with people born in the years of Tiger, Dragon, Horse, or Goat.

The Family of Oxen: what is common?

There are a few types of Oxen: Wood, Fire, Earth, Water, and Metal Oxen. All come with different traits, but they still have a lot in common:

The oxen are diligent workers and tend to finish the task they have been given no matter what. That’s why they are perfect for such careers as manufacturing, pharmacy, mechanics, engineering, politics, or quarry work.

The oxen are stubborn and if they are set on a goal, then beware. They are not giving up. It might take years of an Ox to pursuit the goal they set for themselves. Lucky that they are patient enough on their way to success!

Honesty makes their relationships transparent and strong. Friendship is the thing they count on most, even in love relationships, so they are not prone to change partners often.

As workaholics, they may forget taking meals and breaks, so it is important to remind them to take a break from time to time. Not only will it help with their intestinal problems, but also it will give them more efficiency at work.

Oxen find it easy to endure stress, thanks for the stubborn personality! But on-a-timely-basis trips will benefit their health and career in so many ways.

Oxen always have a detailed plan for any goal they want to achieve. As a result, they often reach great success. Diligence, patience, and determination – the key elements of Ox’s success.

2021: what will it be like?

Common sense, determination, and wisdom are going to play a major role in keeping peace in the year 2021. Harmony and peace are what we should await you during the upcoming year.

Lucky charms

Anything metal will ensure luck and increase it. So, if you have some forgotten metal chains from your rebellious teenage years, it is just the right time to put them on again.

Roses are the flowers that not only set a romantic mood but also bring luck in 2021. Decorate your room accordingly.

Lucky numbers are 6, 12, 23, 41. So, if you live in apartment 12 on the 6th floor, you are more than just in luck.

You will reach maximum efficiency on such days of the week as Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

And there is a month in each season to obtain as much luck as possible. These are March, August, September, and December.


Not to end up with a broken heart after you quickly have fallen in love, it is highly recommended for all the zodiac signs to pay extra heed when starting new relationships. Money cannot buy true love and happiness, so do not spend a lot on your new loved ones. In 2021 the true ones will stay anyway, bringing you joy and harmony.

The Chinese Horoscope for 2021 also says that personal self-development should not be overlooked. Try to be more tolerant and pleasant, so it will be easier for others to love you.


This year, according to the Chinese Horoscope, has to be way better than the unfortunate 2020 that set us off the rails with the global economic crisis and the pandemic.

2021 will give all the zodiac signs growth in all aspects of life, depending on what you choose to set your focus on relationship, career, or money. But overall, you will definitely touch upon all of the life aspects.

It is wise to set your career goals high this year since they may come true. Is there a chance of promotion or a huge bonus? Be sure you will get it in 2021.

You also should not worry about your income in 2021. It is expected to be steady even if you are prone to spend all of your money on lottery tickets.


Since the year 2021 is guided by the Metal Ox, financial stability or prosperity is about to happen. At least your financial situation will change for the better than it was in previous years.

Financial independence will help to increase the wealth and, consequently, will lead to a better quality of some aspects of life.

Lucky Oxen, who are extremely patient and tactful, are going to earn even more than it is expected due to their hard work. The Ox is practical and has a lot of common sense; the traits that are going to have a great impact on other signs.

All the signs, though, also have to play it safe and save a few dollars for a rainy day. You know, just in case another lockdown hits.


In 2021 people of all zodiac signs are going to have more health-related issues, especially lung diseases.

There may also be many accidents, and the Chinese calendar advises to donate blood to counteract these misfortunes.

Some sings need to pay extra heed to their blood sugar level and blood circulation. At the same time, others might need to take some extra calcium to avoid fractures.

2021 in comparison to 2020, overall, is going to be healthier for all zodiac signs allowing people to enjoy their lives to the fullest.

Nota Bene

The immune system works well only if the body gets a lot of greens, fruits, and vegetables. Green tea and nuts will provide you with the necessary minerals, while dairy may help to strengthen your bones.

Do not forget to take a rest. Go easy on yourself. If someone or something is making you uncomfortable, do not sit and wait while it is gone – just move away.


Families will unite in the times of 2021, discovering new common goals, mutual trust, and shared hobbies.

The harmony of your family that has been tested during 2020 now will assemble and get even stronger.

2021 is a good year to plan babies. Children born in the year of Ox are easy to find happiness and are prone to become leaders that are going to rule the country (Barak Obama is an Ox, by the way).

Love and peace will be established during 2021, and no interpersonal conflicts should arise if you pay attention to it.

Bottom line

2021 will sure be different from 2020: the cure will be given away, happiness and joy will arise again, and harmony will enter each and every house.

Chinese New Year is the longest traditional Chinese festival with more than two weeks duration. It is the time where people give up on their grudges and simply greet each other with good wishes.

A happy Ox year, everyone!