What is Your Sign?
Every individual is different. From little quirks to greater parts of the personality, every person has his or her own unique traits. According to astrology, the stars and planets determine these traits, and the Sun Signs in particular are great markers of personality traits. Especially when it comes to matters of love and friendship, it helps to know which astrological sign you are most compatible with. In order to figure out your compatibility, you need to understand your own sign and traits first.
Astrological signs are grouped according to the four elements. In the group of fire, we have Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. People belonging to these sun signs tend to be very passionate and creative. The earth signs consist of Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. Usually, individuals with earth signs tend to be very tender and compassionate. As for the Air group, the signs are Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. The people under air are generally intellectually well-nourished. The Water group comprises of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These are people who have immense amounts of perceptive capabilities.
These basic characteristics of each sign are useful in understanding compatibility. You may have noticed that there are certain people who you do not like, but you fail to find a specific reason behind it. There are other things at work in this situation. Sometimes, even without our knowledge, the signs govern our likes and dislikes. Thus, it is good to know more about these signs and your compatibility with others.
Stars and planets have captivated the imagination of mankind since the beginning of time. It is believed that they can give us clues about our own selves and our futures. They determine much more about us than we are capable of comprehending. The signs of the zodiac, apart from telling you about your compatibility with others, can also tell you a lot about what your future holds for you.
The Earth Element
Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo are the Earth signs. You’ll often hear these people described as “earthy,” meaning that they are grounded. Those born under the Earth signs tend to blend in with their environments. They don’t fight against their surroundings but rather seek unity within them. That’s not to say that they are passive, however – just adaptable.
Those born under the Earth signs generally operate at a slower pace than Water, Air, or Fire signs. They take the time to absorb all the information and think things over before they act. Earth signs are rooted in reality, and that tends to make them more productive in terms of tangible results. But those born under the Earth sign need to have balance with Water, Fire, and Air in order to hone their time management skills. Without this balance, Earth signs are at risk for becoming workaholics or hoarders.
That isn’t to say that all people born under the Earth signs have identical personalities. They certainly do not. You see, within each triplicity there are three qualities that are equally important. There are three qualities; Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. And under the Earth signs:
* Capricorn is a Cardinal sign (Capricorn starts things)
* Taurus is a Fixed sign (Taurus is more grounded than others)
* Virgo is a Mutable sign (Virgo is changeable) Obviously, when signs are mixed, the results won’t always be the same. For example, when Earth is mixed with Water, Earth can help Water find new avenues of expression, while Water can help Earth soften up its rigid structure. Both benefit mutually from the relationship. When Earth is mixed with Fire, Fire inspires Earth, and Earth can guide Fire into a more structured existence.
When Earth is mixed with Air, Air exhilarates and lifts Earth up, while Earth brings Air down to ground level. When Earth is mixed with Earth, the result can be the building of Empires. Earth plus Earth is an immensely powerful duo!
The Water Element
In the Zodiac, the Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Those born under the Water signs are very interesting people. Waves of emotion and built-in sonar for reading moods are typical Water sign traits. Water signs are more likely to assess a situation according to the undercurrents present, rather than what is visible on the surface.
Those born under the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces have a special sensitivity for all of their relationships. They seem to know intuitively when it’s time to show warmth and when it’s time to stay cool and distant. People born under the Water signs have a special knack for both bringing people together AND sucking the life out of relationships. Those born under the Water signs are better tuned in to the various shades of meaning in speech and action. They pick up the vibes of others more quickly than those born under the Fire, Earth, or Air signs.
That doesn’t mean that all people born under the Water signs are alike – far from it. Each sign in a triplicity has its own dominant quality. There are three qualities, Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Under the Water sign:
* Cancer is Cardinal
* Scorpio is Fixed
* Pisces is Mutable
In very basic terms, Cancer initiates and leads, Scorpio is deep and focused, and Pisces is fluid and hard to pin down. When those born under the Water signs are mixed with those born under Earth, Fire or Air, you can expect different results with each. When Water is mixed with Earth, Water softens Earth while Earth draws Water into deeper layers of intimacy. An expressive and satisfying physical relationship is almost guaranteed.
But when Water is mixed with Fire, the outcome isn’t so certain. It can be good, in the way that steam is a calm and powerful force or, it can be bad, as Fire and Water can be mutually destructive. When Water is mixed with Air, the result can be described as “high humidity”. Water inspires Air to create stronger personal relationships, while Air helps Water put feelings into words. Mixing Water with Water results in a journey to the deep end of the ocean…for better or for worse!
The Air Element
The Air Element spans the Zodiac. In the Air element there are three signs, Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.
The word “air” is a good description of those born under the signs Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. Air signs float freely and can appear detached, aloof, remote, and cool. They’re more apt to dance around a problem than face it head-on. Those born under the Air signs are those people who breeze in at the last moment and offer a whole new perspective on a project, without knowing very much about it. Air signs are the most flexible of all. They can adapt easily to any environment or situation. Those born under the Air signs are wonderful communicators, and are often storytellers, journalists, and musicians.
In each triplicity of the Zodiac there are three qualities, Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Each sign has one quality. Under the Air sign:
* The Libra quality is Cardinal.
* The Aquarius quality is Fixed.
* The Gemini quality is Mutable.
And, of course, when each quality mixes with any other quality, different results can be expected. When Air and Earth are mixed, Air lifts Earth up and makes it more flexible. At the same time, Earth grounds Air. Earth is duty-bound while air is more liberated. Together they make a well-rounded team and – if there’s mutual respect – an unbeatable team. Air and Fire are what they call a dynamic duo. They each feed off each other’s strengths. Air gives Fire direction and logic, while Fire gives Air a sense of purpose and passion.
Air and Water are mutually soothing. They complement one another. Water leads Air to deeper feelings while Air lifts water up and gives it curiosity. When Air and Air are mixed, the result is a meeting of the minds. Two kindred spirits in perfect harmony can enjoy a lifetime of shared interests and experiences.
The Fire Element
There are twelve signs in the Zodiac, and these twelve signs are divided into “triplicities” based on their element. The Fire Signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The Air signs are Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini, and the Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.
There are general tendencies that people born under each sign are likely to have. For example, those born under the Fire signs are always ready to burst into flames at any moment. They’re like a simmering pot ready to boil over with enthusiasm and energy. They’re known for having sudden and unexplained flashes of insight and an extreme passion for the task at hand. Those born under the Fire signs are also known for being intuitive and relying more on gut instinct than hard facts. They are prone to skipping over crucial steps and are not always aware of the impact that their actions will have on others.
In addition to tendencies, there are also “qualities” within triplicities. Within each triplicity, the three signs are divided into three qualities; Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. The Cardinal quality in each of the four triplicities are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (one in each triplicity). The Fixed quality in each triplicity are Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. The Mutable quality in each triplicity are Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo. As you can see, the Fire element (like all elements) spans the Zodiac, and it also reacts with other elements. When Fire and Earth are mixed there is conflict, but good things can come from that conflict. When Fire and Air are mixed, inspired thinking occurs. When Fire and Water are mixed, the outcome can be excellent or disastrous, depending upon the strength of each element.
When Fire and Fire are mixed, the two volatile temperaments can result in struggles for dominance. When so much conflict occurs on very little foundation, the mixture will quickly burn out.
The Four Elements
Since the beginning of time, mankind has understood that there is an elemental balance necessary to sustain life. This balance is made of four components, which are earth, air, water and fire. These elements depend on each other in order to function, and together make up the sacred circle of the Zodiac wheel. If any one of these four elements is missing, the circle is broken and life cannot be sustained.
When a human is born, he or she possesses a built-in cosmic blueprint. A person’s birth chart will show the mix of the elements in that life, and also reveal that person’s inherent traits. In addition, it will often reveal the specific strengths and weaknesses of his or her personality. For example, a birth chart could indicate that a person has a stronger fire element and a weaker earth element to ground them.
Each element behaves differently. Taking into account the planet and house placement, the unique mix of elements within each human being provides insight into the inborn nature of a person. Claudius Ptolemaeus, who is known in the English-speaking world as Ptolemy, was a Roman mathematician, astronomer, geographer and astrologer. He is credited with originally discovering the four elements, the Zodiac wheel, and the signs of astrology in the second century. Ptolemy was also the author of the Almagest. Miraculously, the Almagest is the only ancient work on astronomy to survive the ravages of time. In his “Handy Tables,” Ptolemy laid out all of the data needed to calculate the positions of the sun, moon, planets, and even the solar and lunar eclipses. Ptolemy’s treatise on astrology is known as Apotelesmatika.
The four elements have certain associations, and are explained as such: * Earth: The body; practical, sensual, grounded * Air: The mind; intellectual, ideological, detached, social, conceptual * Water: The emotions; imaginative, nurturing, introverted * Fire: The spirit; inspired, energetic, instinctual, outgoing, active